All Osteopathy / Manual Etiotherapy courses are hosted and taught by Guy VOYER, DO live and in person. Fee per course is 1500€ (Euro). Each course is 4 days full days of anatomy, biomechanic lectures and a lot of hand-on practice of technomethodology. Techniques taught include but not limited to ....
In order to receive a certificate of completion for each course, the corresponding anatomy virtual lecture with Guy VOYER, DO must be attended as well.
- the end of Craniology 6 through 9 (Graduation)
- Spinology 4 (Graduation)
- Viscerology 9 & 10 (Graduation)
- 2 or 3 Masters depending on demand
- Pre-Per-Post Natalogy 2 (Graduation)
- The last two courses of Normalization of the ANS (Graduation)
- The exams for those who wish to graduate in Etiotherapy and/or Osteopathy